Monday, September 27, 2010

The Plan

I'm pretty tired right now so I'm not gonna put to much up here.  I plan to detail my diet/workout/etc while I work on getting in shape.  It'll be a way for me to track myself and get any suggestions from people out there who have ideas.


  1. I would suggest Ripptoe's 5X5 for someone starting to work out. It builds muscle fairly well and is an easy regimen to follow. Squats are great as well, and don't forget to eat plenty of oats. Will like to see your future progress. :)

  2. I need to get in shape. Cannot wait for the tips!

  3. raw foods, trust me =)

  4. Good luck. Also, just out of curiosity... do you buy into somatotypes? And if so, what type are you? Endomorphic, ectomorphic, or mesomorphic?

  5. I'm a little over half way through p90x, its working really well for me (and would be working better if I stuck to the diet better). I don't know from what point you are starting, but if you are fairly fit but just don't have the muscles yet then I recommend the program.
